Nebraska Corporation

What is a Nebraska Corporation?

Nebraska Corporation or Nebraska INC, is a business formation registered with the Nebraska Secretary of State. The Nebraska Corporation will be able to issue shares of stocks to employees and investors, unlike an LLC in Nebraska.

Nebraska Corporation Requirements

  1. State Filing Fee of $78+.
  2. A Registered Agent located in Nebraska. See our service here.
  3. Articles of Incorporation.
  4. Beneficial Ownership Information Report filing. Your report must be submitted after company formation starting January 1, 2024.

Nebraska Corporation Structure

NE Corporations are structured legally with the Nebraska Articles of Incorporation. Like many states, the document for a Corporation formation is short and simple.

The required information to be listed:

  • Name
  • Registered Agent
  • Shares
  • Purpose
  • Incorporator


An exact spelling of the name you wish to give your Nebraska Corporation will be provided when applying for a new Corporation. The name must include the word “Corporation”, “Corp.”, “Company”, “Co.”, “Incorporated”, “Inc.”, “Limited” or “Ltd.”.

Registered Agent

You will be required to provide a Nebraska Registered Agent name and address for your NE Corp. The NE Registered Agent will accept any service of process for your Corporation.


Choose at least one class and one share of stock for your Nebraska INC. You can have multiple classes and shares if you wish.


Make a short statement on why the Nebraska Corporation was formed. Any lawful reason is acceptable.


The name and address of each Incorporator of the NE Corp. is required information.

Nebraska Incorporation Facts
Incorporation Filing Articles of Incorporation
Incorporation Agency Nebraska Secretary of State
Incorporation Fee $78 minimum
Our Fee $223 (includes registered agent service)
Online Filing Yes
Biennial Report Due March 1 (even-numbered years)
Biennial Report Fee $26 minimum

How to File a Nebraska Corporation

Steps to Form a Nebraska Corporation:

  1. Name Your Nebraska Corporation. When registering the name of a Nebraska corporation, the name must include one of the following words or abbreviations: Corporation, Incorporated, Company, Limited, Corp., Inc., Co., or Ltd.Your name must be distinguishable from all other names already in the record with the Nebraska Secretary of State. You can check on the availability of current names by doing a business name search on the Nebraska SOS website.
  2. File Articles of Incorporation. To incorporate in Nebraska, you must submit Articles of Incorporation to the Nebraska Secretary of State. This can be done online through the Nebraska Corporate Document eDelivery system. The filing fee is dependent upon the amount of your corporation’s authorized capital stock.You must designate a Nebraska registered agent. You are required to list the registered agent’s physical street address where service of process can be reliably delivered during regular business hours throughout the year.
  3. Publish Intent of Formation. The Nebraska Secretary of State requires that a notice of incorporation be published for three successive weeks in a legal newspaper of general circulation in the county where your corporation’s principal office is located.
  4. Write Corporate Bylaws. After you form your corporation in Nebraska, you will want to write your corporate Bylaws, the governing document of your company. Bylaws lay out the ownership of your company (your shareholders) and your management (your directors and officers). Bylaws should cover both the rights that come with ownership and management, but also the responsibilities.
  5. Open a Business Bank Account. Your new Nebraska corporation will need a corporate bank account to process all monetary transactions of the company. You can only an account at any bank branch, but you should call in advance to determine what documents will be needed to open an account.
  6. File Biennial Report. After you incorporate in Nebraska, you are required to file a Biennial Report. Biennial Reports are due March 1 of even-numbered years. There is a minimum $26 filing fee. Biennial Reports can be filed online.
  7. Submit Beneficial Ownership Information Report: You must a file a BOI report with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network after formation, starting January 1, 2024. The BOI report is free to file and must be submitted online.

How Do I Calculate My Nebraska Incorporation Fee?

When you incorporate in Nebraska, you must pay an incorporation fee along with the submission of your Articles of Incorporation. The fee is based upon the amount of your corporation’s authorized capital stock. The fee is set at a minimum of $60.

The incorporation fee is calculated as follows:

$0 to $10,000 $60 + $5 per page
$10,001 to $25,000 $100 + $5 per page
$25,001 to $50,000 $150 + $5 per page
$50,001 to $75,000 $225 + $5 per page
$75,001 to $100,000 $300 + $5 per page

What Do I Include in My Intent to Form Publication?

In Nebraska, a new domestic entity must publish an intent of formation in a legal newspaper for three consecutive weeks. The publication must be in the same county as the Nebraska corporation’s principal business office.

The intent of formation must include the following information:

  • Corporate Name
  • Number of Authorized Shares
  • Street Address of Nebraska Registered Agent
  • Name of Nebraska Registered Agent
  • Name and Street Address of All Incorporators

Duties of a Nebraska Registered Agent

A Nebraska registered agent is responsible for duties as laid out by Nebraska state law. A registered agent must have and maintain a registered office within the state, which must be a physical street address, not a post office box. The registered office must be kept open during regular business hours. A registered agent must accept legal correspondence and official state notifications on behalf of clients, and when documents are accepted the agent must contact the client and forward the documents to them in a timely manner.

Your Nebraska registered agent will be the main point of contact between your Nebraska Corporation and the Secretary of State. Compliance reminders and biennial report updates will be sent to your registered agent.

Nebraska Corporation Biennial Report

After you incorporate in Nebraska, you are required to file a Biennial Report. The report is due in even-numbered years only. The reporting window is between January 1 and March 1. Biennial Reports can be filed online at the Secretary of State website.

A filing fee is assessed based upon the amount of paid up capital stock. The minimum fee is $26.

Federal Beneficial Ownership Information Report Filing

Starting January 1, 2024, most newly-formed corporations are required to file a Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) report with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) following company formation. On your report, you’ll need to disclose some basic details about your company and those with the most control over your corporation’s profits and operations. Save yourself from the additional paperwork with our $25 BOI report filing service.

Why Hire Corporate Filing Solutions to Form Your Nebraska Corporation?

Starting your Corporation in Nebraska shouldn’t be a hassle or a time consumer. That’s why we offer Filings Made Easy™ to make starting a Corporation in Nebraska super easy.

Hire us and relax while our filing experts form your new Nebraska Corporation. Our staff will process orders the same business day as they are received. To make things even easier, we bundle the first year of registered agent service and ensure your Nebraska Corporation comes fully equipped and ready to do its job.

Start your Corporation in Nebraska and get Registered Agent service for as low as $55 a year.