Michigan LLC Foreign Qualification
Michigan LLC Foreign Qualification
Steps to Michigan LLC Foreign Qualification:
- Choose a Name to Use in Michigan. You must select a name for your LLC to use in the State of Michigan. If your name is available, you can register it, but if your LLC name is already in use by another entity, you will need to choose a different name to do business under in Michigan. You can do a business name search to determine the availablity of your name.
- Submit an Application for Certificate of Authority. To qualify a foreign LLC, you must file an Application for Certificate of Authority to Transact Business in Michigan. This Application must be accompanied by a Certificate of Good Standing from your home state. A Michigan registered agent must be appointed on the Application to accept service of process on behalf of your LLC. The filing fee is $50.
- Wait for Processing. Processing typically takes five to seven business days, but expedite options are available. You cannot file the Application online, but it can be delivered by mail, fax or email (if you have a MICH-ELF account).
Michigan Foreign LLC Registration Quick Facts:
- Qualification Document: Application for Certificate of Authority to Transact Business in Michigan
- Registering Agency: Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
- Filing Fee: $50
- Processing Time: 5 to 7 Business Days
- Expedite Available: Yes
- Online Filing: No
- Annual Report Due: February 15
- Annual Report Fee: $25
What is a Certificate of Good Standing?
A Certificate of Good Standing is issued by your home state. It serves as evidence that your LLC is current on all of its taxes and state fees. You must contact your state’s Secretary of State office to be issued one. The Certificate can be no older than 30 days or else it will not be accepted.
Will My Information Be Part of the Public Record?
Yes. The information on your Application for Certificate of Authority will be maintained in electronic format by the Corporations, Securities and Commercial Licensing Bureau. It will be accessible to the public.
What is a MICH-ELF Account?
A Michigan Electronic Filing account allows you to file business documents by fax. To start an account, you must submit a MICH-ELF Application, complete with your credit card information. LARA will store your credit card information and use it to charge for future filings. Once your account is approved, you will receive a MICH-ELF Number to use with filings.
Duties of a Michigan Registered Agent
A Michigan registered agent is required to fulfill various duties laid out by Michigan State law. A registered agent must continuously maintain a physical street location, called a registered office. The agent must keep regular business hours and accept service of process and official business mail on behalf of clients. When documents are accepted, they must be forwarded to the client in a timely manner.
Michigan Annual Report
After you qualify a foreign LLC, you are required to submit an Annual Report each year. The due date is February 15. There is a $25 filing fee. The Annual Report can be filed online or a paper copy can be submitted.