Michigan Corporation Foreign Qualification
What is a Michigan Foreign Corporation?
A foreign Michigan Corporation is an INC originally formed in another state that registers to do business in Michigan. The process of registering a foreign Corporation in Michigan is called foreign qualification. Foreign qualification is used to register a foreign company so that it may transact business in the state of Michigan. There are a few requirements when filing an application for registration in Michigan.
How to Register A Foreign Corporation in Michigan
Foreign Corporation Requirements
- Corporation Name
- Mailing Address
- Jurisdiction
- Return Address
- Contact Information
- Good Standing
Corporation Name
The name of the Foreign Profit Corporation as it appears on the Certificate of Good Standing will be listed on the Application for Registration of Corporate Name in Michigan.
Mailing Address
A requirement of the application is to list the mailing address of the Foreign Corp doing business in Michigan.
The jurisdiction or place where the Corporation was filed will be listed along with the date the Corporation was filed in that jurisdiction.
Return Address
If the document that is filed is to be returned to a specific address, provide it. Otherwise, the paperwork will be returned to the registered office of the agent in Michigan.
Contact Information
The Preparer’s name and business telephone is to be listed for if needed contact regarding the filing.
Good Standing
A Certificate of Good Standing from the home state of the Corp will be required. The certificate may not be older than 30 days for your Michigan Application for Registration of Corporate Name.
How to File a Michigan Foreign Corporation Qualification Document
Steps to Michigan Corporation Foreign Qualification:
- The first step in Michigan Corporation Foreign Qualification is determining the name your corporation will register in Michigan. It may be that your company’s true name is available. However, your corporation’s name may already be in use by another entity in the State. You can do a business entity name search to check for availability. If your name is already registered, you will need to select a different name to do business under in Michigan.
- To register your foreign corporation, you submit an Application for Certificate of Authority to Transact Business or Conduct Affairs in Michigan. You must appoint a Michigan registered agent on the Certificate of Authority. Included with the filing, you must also submit a Certificate of Good Standing from your home state.
- The initial filing fee (called a franchise fee) is $50 plus a $10 service fee. Future franchise fees will be assessed based upon the amount of authorized shares attributable to Michigan (the State assumes at least 60,000 shares are attributable to Michigan).
- After foreign qualification is complete, you must file an Annual Report each year. The report can be filed online. The deadline is May 15. There is a $25 filing fee.
Michigan Foreign Corporation Registration Quick Facts:
- Registration Document: Application for Certificate of Authority to Transact Business or Conduct Affairs in Michigan
- Filing Fee: $60 (minimum)
- Government Agency: Department of Licensing and Regulator Affairs
- Online Filing: No
- Expedite Options: Yes
- Annual Report Due: May 15
- Annual Report Fee: $25
How Recent Does My Certificate of Good Standing Need to Be?
The Certificate of Good Standing submitted with the Application can be no older than 30 days.
What Happens if Any of My Information Changes?
If any of the information submitted on your Application for Certificate of Authority changes, you are required to submit an Amended Application. Amended Applications must be filed within 30 days of any change.
If the number of authorized shares attributed to Michigan has increased, you will be required to pay a franchise fee based upon the new share number.
Michigan Registered Agent
A Michigan registered agent must have a physical street location within the State where service of process can be accepted during regular business hours. A post office box is not sufficient to fulfill this requirement. When documents are accepted on behalf of the client, the registered agent must contact the client and forward the documents to the client in a timely manner.
Michigan Annual Report
After you qualify a foreign corporation in Michigan, you must file an Annual Report each year by May 15. The filing fee is $25. Annual Reports can be submitted online. Paper reports can be printed and delivered by email, mail or in person.
Why Hire Corporate Filing Solutions to Form Your Michigan Foreign Corporation?
Registering your Foreign Corporation in Michigan shouldn’t be a hassle or a time consumer. That’s why we offer Filings Made Easy™ to make registering an INC in Michigan super easy.
Hire us and relax while our filing experts file your new Michigan Foreign Corporation. Our staff will process orders the same business day as they are received. To make things even easier, we bundle the first year of registered agent service and ensure your Michigan Foreign Corporation comes fully equipped and ready to do its job.
Agent service for your Corporation in Michigan for as low as $55.