Vermont Corporation Foreign Qualification

What is a Vermont Foreign Corporation?

A foreign Vermont Corporation is an INC originally formed in another state that registers to do business in Vermont. The process of registering a foreign Corporation in Vermont is called foreign qualification. Foreign qualification is used to register a foreign company so that it may transact business in the state of Vermont. There are a few requirements when filing an application for registration in Vermont.


How to Register A Foreign Corporation in Vermont

Foreign Corporation Requirements

  1. Name
  2. Domestic State
  3. Registered Agent
  4. Directors
  5. Officers
  6. Certificate of Good Standing


The name of the Foreign Corporation applying to do business in Vermont must match the name in the domestic state of incorporation. If the name does not have a corporate identifier, one must be added to the name in Vermont. You can choose from “Corporation”, “Corp”, “INC”, “CO” and “LTD” to name a few.

Domestic State

Domestic state, date of incorporation, period of duration and Principal Office for the Foreign Corp is to be listed on the Application for Certificate of Authority.

Registered Agent

The initial Vermont Registered Agent will be a requirement for the application. The Registered Agent address in Vermont may not be a PO Box. The Registered Agent will accept any service of process for the Foreign Corporation in Vermont.


Current Directors names and business addresses will be listed. At least one Director is required to process the corporate filing.


Current Officers names and addresses will be listed as a requirement. List the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer if appointed.

Certificate of Good Standing

Attached to the application a Certificate of Good Standing from the home state.


Vermont Foreign Corporation Registration Quick Facts


Why Hire Corporate Filing Solutions to Form Your Vermont Foreign Corporation?

Registering your Foreign Corporation in Vermont shouldn’t be a hassle or a time consumer. That’s why we offer Filings Made Easy™ to make registering an INC in Vermont super easy.

Hire us and relax while our filing experts file your new Vermont Foreign Corporation. Our staff will process orders the same business day as they are received. To make things even easier, we bundle the first year of registered agent service and ensure your Vermont Foreign Corporation comes fully equipped and ready to do its job.

Agent service for your Corporation in Vermont for as low as $55.