New Hampshire Corporation Foreign Qualification
What is a New Hampshire Foreign Corporation?
A foreign New Hampshire Corporation is an INC originally formed in another state that registers to do business in New Hampshire. The process of registering a foreign Corporation in New Hampshire is called foreign qualification. Foreign qualification is used to register a foreign company so that it may transact business in the state of New Hampshire. There are a few requirements when filing an application for registration in New Hampshire.
How to Register A Foreign Corporation in New Hampshire
Foreign Corporation Requirements
- Corporation Name
- Principal Office
- Jurisdiction
- Registered Agent
- Purpose
- Officers/Directors
Corporation Name
The exact name of the Corporation will match the same name used in the home state incorporation. The name will include the word “Corporation”, “Incorporated”, “Limited” or the abbreviation “Corp”, “Inc.” or “Ltd.”.
Principal Office
A complete Principal Office address for the Foreign Corporation will be listed on the New Hampshire application. Future mailings will be sent to the stated address.
Where and when the Foreign Corporation was originally formed in it’s home state will be listed.
Registered Agent
A New Hampshire Registered Agent is a requirement to file the Application for Certificate of Authority of a For Profit Foreign Corporation. The agent will accept any service of process in New Hampshire.
You will be required to describe the principal purpose or purposes which the Corporation proposes to conduct while performing business transactions in New Hampshire.
Names and addresses of the Officers and Directors will be recorded.
New Hampshire Corporation Foreign Qualification
Steps to New Hampshire Corporation Foreign Qualification:
Step 1: Select a Name to Use in NH
When you register a foreign corporation in New Hampshire the name you use must be distinct from other corporations and businesses already registered in the state. Since your corporation’s name may already be registered to another company, you may have to select a different name to do business under in NH.
You can do a business entity search to check for availability.
If you cannot use your corporation’s true name, you must submit Trade Name Application along with a $50 filing fee. The application must be accompanied by a Board of Directors resolution signed by your corporation’s Secretary. Keep in mind that a trade name in New Hampshire cannot use a corporate designation (Corporation, Incorporation, Corp., etc.).
Step 2: Submit an Application for Certificate of Authority
To qualify a foreign corporation in New Hampshire, you file an Application for Certificate of Authority to the New Hampshire Corporations Division. This filing comes with a $100 filing fee.
You cannot complete a foreign registration online at this time. Currently, you must submit a paper filing, either by mail or in-person.
The Certificate of Authority lists information about your corporation, including the name which your company will use in New Hampshire, the names and addresses of your current officers and directors, and your New Hampshire registered agent information.
Included with the Certificate of Authority, you must also file a Certificate of Good Standing from your home state. This document asserts that your company exists and is in good standing in your home jurisdiction. You can obtain a Certificate of Good Standing from your state’s Secretary of State.
Step 3: Wait for Processing
Typical processing time is one to two weeks. There are no expedite options in New Hampshire.
Foreign Corporation Registration in New Hampshire Quick Facts:
- Registration Filing: Application for Certificate of Authority
- Registration Fee: $100
- Registration Agency: New Hampshire Corporations Division
- Online Filing: No
- Expedite: No
- Processing Time: 1 to 2 Weeks
- Annual Report Due: April 1
- Annual Report Fee: $100
If I Register a Trade Name, Do I Use a Corporate Designator?
No. If you are registering a trade name to use in New Hampshire, you cannot use a corporate designator such as Corporation, Corp., Incorporation, Inc., etc.
Do I Have to Include All of My Officers and Directors on the Application?
Yes. In some states, you may list only a few of your officers or directors, but the New Hampshire Corporations Division requires that you list all of your officers and directors on your Application for Certificate of Authority. If the names and addresses do not fit on the application sheet provided, you must include an additional sheet with the remaining names and addresses.
How Do I Know My Application Has Been Processed?
After you complete your foreign corporation registration in New Hampshire, you will receive a filed stamped copy within 30 days. If you have not received your official Certificate of Authority within 30 days, you should contact the NH Corporations Division.
Why Hire Corporate Filing Solutions to Form Your New Hampshire Foreign Corporation?
Registering your Foreign Corporation in New Hampshire shouldn’t be a hassle or a time consumer. That’s why we offer Filings Made Easy™ to make registering an INC in New Hampshire super easy.
Hire us and relax while our filing experts file your new New Hampshire Foreign Corporation. Our staff will process orders the same business day as they are received. To make things even easier, we bundle the first year of registered agent service and ensure your New Hampshire Foreign Corporation comes fully equipped and ready to do its job.
Agent service for your Corporation in New Hampshire for as low as $55.