How to Qualify a Foreign LLC in Montana
How to Qualify a Foreign LLC in Montana
Steps to Foreign LLC Registration in Montana:
- Name Availability. Before you submit any filings to the State of Montana, you should check on the availability of your LLC name. A simple Montana business name search on the Secretary of State website will do. You cannot register a name with the state that is already in use by another entity. If your name is already being used, you will need to settle on a different name for use in Montana.
- Application for Certificate of Authority. To register a foreign LLC in Montana, you file an Application for Certificate of Authority with the Secretary of State. There is a $70 filing fee. You must submit the filing by mail, fax or in person.The Application for Certificate of Authority must list your Montana registered agent. A registered agent accepts service of process, official notifications, and legal correspondence on behalf of your business.In addition to the Application, you must include a current Certificate of Existence from your home state.
Processing time for business documents is about 10 business days. Expedite options are available.
- Annual Report. Every business entity in Montana is required to file an Annual Report. After you register a foreign LLC in Montana, you must file your Annual Report by April 15 and pay the $20 filing fee. Late filings will be assessed an additional $20.
Montana Foreign LLC Registration Quick Facts:
- Registration Document: Application for Certificate of Authority
- Registration Agency: Montana Secretary of State
- Filing Fee: $70
- Online Filing: No
- 24 Hour Expedite: $20
- 1 Hour Expedite: $100
- Annual Report Deadline: April 15
- Annual Report Filing Fee: $20
What Identifiers Are Acceptable for My LLC Name in Montana?
In Montana, your foreign LLC must have the proper business identifier as authorized by Montana State law. Your name must include one of the following terms or their abbreviations: Limited Liability Company or Limited Company. The following abbreviations are allowed: LLC, L.L.C., LC, L.C., Ltd. and Co.
Montana Registered Agent Requirements
Every Montana registered agent is required to meet certain standards laid out by the Montana Model Registered Agents Act.
Montana registered agent requirements:
- Maintain a physical street location in Montana
- Keep regular business hours
- Accept service of process and business documents on behalf of clients
- Forward all documents to clients in a reasonable time frame
Can a Montana Annual Report Be Filed Online?
Yes. You must file an Annual Report by April 15. The filing fee is $20. Failure to file by April 15 will result in a $20 penalty. Continued failure to file will result in the revocation of your Certificate of Authority.