Massachusetts Corporation Foreign Qualification
What is a Massachusetts Foreign Corporation?
A foreign Massachusetts Corporation is an INC originally formed in another state that registers to do business in Massachusetts. The process of registering a foreign Corporation in Massachusetts is called foreign qualification. Foreign qualification is used to register a foreign company so that it may transact business in the state of Massachusetts. There are a few requirements when filing an application for registration in Massachusetts.
How to Register A Foreign Corporation in Massachusetts
Foreign Corporation Requirements
- Corporation Name
- Jurisdiction
- Office
- Registered Agent
- Year’s End
- Description
- Officers/Directors
- Certificate of Good Standing
Corporation Name
You must list the exact name of the Corporation when filing a Foreign Corporation Certificate of Registration.
The original place of incorporation, date of formation and duration if not perpetual is required information for the filing to do business in Massachusetts for a Corporation.
The street address of the Principal Office is a required listing. This will include the number, street, city or town, state and zip code.
Registered Agent
A Massachusetts Registered Agent is a requirement to operate an entity in Massachusetts. The agents name and address are to be listed on the application. The agent will accept any legal documents for the Foreign Corporation.
Year’s End
The month and day of the fiscal year end is mandatory information for the application.
On the Foreign Corporation Certificate of Registration in Massachusetts, you will list a brief description of the activities to be conducted by the Corporation.
A name and business address for the current Officers and Directors will be provided.
Certificate of Good Standing
Along with the application will be a Certificate of Good Standing from the Corporation’s home state, no older than 90 days.
How to File a Massachusetts Foreign Corporation Qualification Document
Steps to Massachusetts Corporation Foreign Qualification:
- Name: The name you register cannot be already in use within the state. You can do a business name search to check for availability. If your name is already in use, you must choose a different name to register your Massachusetts Corporation Foreign Qualification.
- Certificate of Registration: To qualify a foreign corporation, you file a Certificate of Registration with the Secretary of the Commonwealth. The filing fee is $400 ($375 if filed by fax). You must include with the Registration a Certificate of Good Standing from your home state.
- Registered Agent: A Massachusetts registered agent must be designated on the Certificate of Registration. The agent must have a registered office within the Commonwealth.
- Processing: Registration documents are normally processed within a day.
Massachusetts Foreign Corporation Qualification Quick Facts
- The Registration Document: Certificate of Registration
- Filing Fee: $400 ($375 by fax)
- Government Agency: Secretary of the Commonwealth
- Online Filing: No
- Annual Report Due: 2 ½ Months After Fiscal Year End
- Annual Report Fee: $500 ($520 online)
When Do I Have To Submit a Certificate of Registration?
You must file for registration with the Secretary of the Commonwealth within ten days after starting to transact business in the state. If you do not, your corporation will be subject to fines and penalties.
What Do I Do If My Name is Already in Use?
If your name is already registered to another entity in Massachusetts, you must select a different name to do business under while operating within the state. Along with your registration, you must submit a DBA Attachment, which both states the name you will use and serves as an agreement that you will not use your legal name within the Commonwealth.
Why Hire Corporate Filing Solutions to Form Your Massachusetts Foreign Corporation?
Registering your Foreign Corporation in Massachusetts shouldn’t be a hassle or a time consumer. That’s why we offer Filings Made Easy™ to make registering an INC in Massachusetts super easy.
Hire us and relax while our filing experts file your new Massachusetts Foreign Corporation. Our staff will process orders the same business day as they are received. To make things even easier, we bundle the first year of registered agent service and ensure your Massachusetts Foreign Corporation comes fully equipped and ready to do its job.
Agent service for your Corporation in Massachusetts for as low as $55.