Kentucky LLC Foreign Qualification

Kentucky LLC Foreign Qualification

Steps to Kentucky LLC Foreign Qualification:

  • Determine if you can use your LLC’s true name in Kentucky or not. If the name is already registered to a different entity, you will need to select a different name to use within the state. Do a business entity name search to determine availability.
  • To register a foreign LLC, file an Application for Certificate of Authority with the Kentucky Division of Business Filings. This filing cannot be done online. There is a $90 filing fee. Kentucky does not require any documentation from your home state.
  • You must appoint a registered agent on your Application for Certificate of Authority. A registered agent must have a physical street location within the state where service of process can be accepted.
  • Await processing. Typically, filings are processed within one business day.

Kentucky Foreign LLC Registration Quick Facts

Who Can Sign the Application for Certificate of Authority?

The document must be signed by a member or manager of the LLC.

Do I Need a Certificate of Good Standing or Other Documentation From My Home State?

No. Kentucky does not require any documents from your home state.

Kentucky Registered Agent

Your Kentucky registered agent must:

  • Have and maintain a physical street address, known as a registered office
  • Maintain regular business hours year round
  • Accept service of process on behalf of your business
  • Contact you when documents are accepted
  • Forward all documents to you in a timely manner

The main purpose of a registered agent is to ensure that you are properly informed when a lawsuit is brought against your company. The agent accepts notification of the lawsuit (service of process) and passes the document along to you in a timely manner so that you may address the litigation.

Annual Report

After a foreign LLC qualification is complete, your company must file an Annual Report each year. The filing window is between January 1 and June 30. There is a $15 filing fee. You can file Annual Reports online at the Secretary of State website.