Kentucky LLC Foreign Qualification
Kentucky LLC Foreign Qualification
Steps to Kentucky LLC Foreign Qualification:
- Determine if you can use your LLC’s true name in Kentucky or not. If the name is already registered to a different entity, you will need to select a different name to use within the state. Do a business entity name search to determine availability.
- To register a foreign LLC, file an Application for Certificate of Authority with the Kentucky Division of Business Filings. This filing cannot be done online. There is a $90 filing fee. Kentucky does not require any documentation from your home state.
- You must appoint a registered agent on your Application for Certificate of Authority. A registered agent must have a physical street location within the state where service of process can be accepted.
- Await processing. Typically, filings are processed within one business day.
Kentucky Foreign LLC Registration Quick Facts
- The Form: Application for Certificate of Authority
- The Fee: $90
- The Filing Agency: Kentucky Division of Business Filings
- Online Filing: No
- Processing Time: 1 Business Day
- Annual Report Due Date: June 30
- Annual Report Fee: $15
Who Can Sign the Application for Certificate of Authority?
The document must be signed by a member or manager of the LLC.
Do I Need a Certificate of Good Standing or Other Documentation From My Home State?
No. Kentucky does not require any documents from your home state.
Kentucky Registered Agent
Your Kentucky registered agent must:
- Have and maintain a physical street address, known as a registered office
- Maintain regular business hours year round
- Accept service of process on behalf of your business
- Contact you when documents are accepted
- Forward all documents to you in a timely manner
The main purpose of a registered agent is to ensure that you are properly informed when a lawsuit is brought against your company. The agent accepts notification of the lawsuit (service of process) and passes the document along to you in a timely manner so that you may address the litigation.
Annual Report
After a foreign LLC qualification is complete, your company must file an Annual Report each year. The filing window is between January 1 and June 30. There is a $15 filing fee. You can file Annual Reports online at the Secretary of State website.